Saturday, January 7, 2012


We will host quarterly, structured meetings with a moderator, speaker and short Q & A session. There will be no discussion of individual employees, hospital finances, fee structures, or specific case management.

Our topics will center in managerial challenges such as planning, marketing, staffing, and HR issues. Our current list of topics include:
  1. Professional communication
    1. With staff
    2. With clients
  2. Personal professional development
    1. Time management
    2. Setting and achieving goals
    3. Work-life balance
  3. Marketing
  4. Inventory management
  5. Regulatory compliance (OSHA, DEA, etc.)
  6. Budgeting
  7. Employee file organization
  8. A/R management
  9. Interviewing and hiring
  10. Training and coaching
We'll revise and update this list after each meeting to prioritize topics based on member needs.

When do you prefer to meet?

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